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#243 One hit
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When it comes down to it, teams that focus on only one type of pokémon aren't the best choice for battling. They can be fun and thematic, but you run the risk of your entire team sharing a weakness, which means they can go down very easily if you run into the wrong opponent.
On a side note, those of you who have watched the anime may be thinking that the geodudes in Pebble Version are a bit on the small side. Actually, the ones in the anime are just too big. I use the actual heights listed in the in-game pokédex to determine how big to make each pokémon in the comic and geodudes (like quite a lot of first stage pokémon) are pretty small (1' 4" in height, to be exact).

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.